American Assassin
Monday, September 18, 2017 1:52:35 AM | (Age Not Specified)
Anyone with the faintest interest in seeing a rated R (for violence) movie called American Assassin- see it. Depending on your expectations, it will either meet or exceed them.
Here is what the film does surprisingly well.
First, it shows far more effectively than does the book how Rapp goes from innocent terrorism victim to someone so special and talented he comes to the attention of the CIA.
Second, the story craftily balances clarity and sophistication, rare for a fast paced, violent thriller. The plot has no gaping holes and makes sense. But, you do have to pay close attention to the “talky’ scenes and make some basic logical connections to accurately grasp the plot.
Third, the movie leaves you with a surprising amount of food for thought. After the movie my friend and I has fun discussing some of the themes-Survivor’s guilt, revenge, redemption, the use and abuse of power, and the various natures of service and sacrifice to name a few.