The Shape of Water
Monday, January 29, 2018 4:52:33 PM | (Age Not Specified)
Beautiful setting and color palate, makeup and design (hats off to the Creative team on that one!), coupled with strong characters of substance (whether you like them, identify with them, or not).
The Plot, on the surface, appears to be one of forbidden love. But the story is really about seeing beyond differences, stereotypes of an ideal, or going with the norm of the time; to find oneself, to find the capacity to understand, accept and love, regardless of yourself or of the other person/people; and find that in return, not just in the girl and the creature; but for the roommate, or her co-worker, or the scientist as well. they all had an element of this in their individual character arcs.. was interesting. Also, an interesting choice for its setting to be at the end of the 50s/beginning of 60s - during a time of cold war conflict and conspiracy, but it provided a great catalyst to bringing the characters together, a purpose for their being there, and a why to their motivations as the story played out. In all, I really enjoyed the movie...Any perceived sexuality or sensuality was handled tastefully, predominantly implied vs. actually shown. Well done.