Black Panther
Monday, February 26, 2018 4:51:05 PM | (Age Not Specified)
Taken as a movie, it was good with a solid message, decent acting, action and story. However as a Marvel movie it fell far short of the bar story wise. With regards for setting, effects and such, it is a typical marvel offering. (I expect excellence from Marvel Studios.)
Seems like a semi-decent origin story type film, but it had large problems and deviated largely from the Marvel Comics story lines. The way that villains were portrayed and disposed of in this movie is absolutely criminal. (Fortunately, in Marvel Comics, death is about as permanent as a broken arm if they need the character in the next story arc.)
Killmonger and Klaw are not the villains that were seen in this film if you go back to the comic books. Each one is a crafty, smart mastermind in the comics. This film portrayed them as one step above common thugs. Skilled but one dimensional, unimaginative and not at all as prepared as they should have been.
The supporting cast I did like, with a couple exceptions. They were strong characters, mostly with a single dimension but that happens when you are not the titled star of the movie, and they all had dignity, in my opinion.
The female characters on the hero's side were portrayed as smart capable and strong with their own goals and personalities. Though the queen did fail to make much of an impression on me.
The female character on the villain's side was depressingly underused and disposed of in a perfunctory manner, when in the comics she is also a villain that can go one on one against T'challa.
Overall, good movie but bad marvel movie. Great message but not very good execution. Marvel characters were hijacked to serve someone else's agenda and message.