Sky Force Synopsis
Sky Force unravels a gripping story inspired by extraordinary true events surrounding one of the deadliest airstrikes between India and Pakistan. This epic tale of bravery and sacrifice follows the mystery of a hero lost in action and a comrade`s relentless quest for the truth. Packed with emotion, camaraderie, and high-stakes action, Sky Force is a soaring tribute to courage and resilience!
Click on a number to locate your theatre on the
map below
2 Ajax Cineplex Cinemas
248 Kingston Road East,
(905) 426-7772
Fri - Sat 12:40 3:30 6:20 9:15
Sun 1:15 4:15 7:30
Mon 7:30
Tue 4:15 7:05 9:55
3 Cineplex Cinemas Scarborough
300 Borough Drive,
(416) 290-5217
Fri 1:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 10:00
Sat 12:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 10:00
Sun 12:15 1:00 3:05 4:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 10:00
Mon 1:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 10:00
Tue 12:30 1:00 3:25 4:00 6:25 7:00 9:25 10:00
4 Cineplex Cinemas Vaughan
3555 Highway 7 West,
(905) 851-1001
Fri 1:30 2:30 4:30 5:45 7:20 8:50 10:10
Sat 12:30 1:30 3:30 4:30 6:30 7:25 9:30 10:15
Sun - Tue 1:00 2:30 4:00 5:45 7:00 9:00 10:00
6 Cineplex Odeon Morningside Cinemas
785 Milner Avenue,
(416) 281-1444
Fri 6:40 9:40
Sat 1:00 3:50 6:40 9:40
Sun 1:00 3:50 6:40
Mon 6:50
Tue 3:50 6:40 9:40
7 Cineplex Odeon Oshawa Cinemas
1351 Grandview Street North,
(905) 432-3486
Fri 12:40 3:40 6:40 9:50
Sat 12:20 3:30 6:40 9:50
Sun 12:30 3:40 6:40 9:50
Mon 3:30 6:30 9:40
Tue 12:30 3:40 6:40 9:50
10 SilverCity Newmarket
18195 Yonge St.,
(905) 953-2783
Fri 3:50 6:50 9:50
Sat - Sun 12:45 3:50 6:50 9:50
Mon 4:20 7:15
Tue 3:50 6:50 9:50
11 SilverCity Richmond Hill
8725 Yonge Street,
Richmond Hill,
(905) 709-8755
Fri 1:00 3:35 6:40 9:30
Sat 1:00 4:15 7:15 10:10
Sun 1:00 3:35 6:40 9:30
Mon 3:35 6:40 9:30
Tue 1:00 3:35 6:40 9:30